
Friday, October 8, 2010

The New GAP Logo An Epic Fail?

The new GAP logo released by GAP Inc.

They say change is good, especially so that change is inevitable, but what happens if such change is not accepted by majority of the stakeholders, will change still be implemented? Yes indeed change is inevitable and it is also good however this principle is applicable on a case to case basis. In the world of fashion change is always introduced and some are widely accepted while some are…well…considered as flops.
This “flop” in the field of fashion came when GAP announced that they will be changing the GAP logo. Change of a company or a store logo did not affect any GAP clients until the company rolled out the logo for public view. The logo was a white background with bold black letters and a small blue box on the upper right corner of the logo. According to GAP however the change of their logo to highlight GAP’s evolution throughout the years complementing its new fits for khakis and black pants, a range of sleeker design and a lot more modern feel. Then new GAP logo is said to embody the company’s view on such evolution. Ever since the new GAP logo was shown to the public internet critiques have not stopped buzzing on the logo change using Blogs, Facebook and Twitter as their medium.
Although GAP did not specify any direct participation of the public in the new GAP logo they have announced that the company would like to get other ideas, this was announced by GAP through Facebook where the GAP fan page still is using the old GAP logo.
Indeed change is necessary at times especially if such change is accepted unanimously by stakeholders but in the case of the GAP logo change it would seem that GAP failed to highlight the company name by disregarding familiarity on the logo, changing the word GAP in the GAP logo from upper case letters to smaller case letters on the letters’ “a” and “p” made the logo or company name a lot weaker and the small square as well as the white background did not help in giving strong company presence in their logo. It is a good thing that GAP is contemplating on letting the public or stakeholders give their ideas for a GAP logo change as this would help the company in developing a logo that is loved not only by the company but also by the public and the stakeholders.

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